Monday, January 25, 2010

Mary Joyce Howard Jordan

January 27 my mom would have been 63 years old. It has been a long 9 years with out her and she is very missed. How I regret that she didn't get to see my son Malachi. We named him with her initials MJJ, we changed the 'O' in Joyce to an 'A' in his middle name so he is Malachi Jayce Jordan. I am glad that for 3 short years she got to know my sisters girls her three granddaughters. She was so proud of them. She would often tell of how Jaelyn would meet her at the door after getting off from work and ask 'grand maw did you bring me something.' That seemed to be something she lived everyday for, cause she would save a piece of Chicken or fries or something so that she would always have something she could 'bring' Jaelyn.
I am glad she was able to meet my wonderful wife Renee. She treated her truly like a daughter those 5 months mom never said one harsh word to Renee in fact when I was kinda mean to Renee, I was picking in my own dry way, as soon as she me Renee and she hinted around at what I had said mom got on to me for such foolishness.

Mom taught me about faith. I remember many times being down she would ask have you prayed about it. One time I was home for a short visit, thought I had lost a honorarium that I was going to use to get back to northern Arkansas @ the time an i was fretting pretty bad about not having the money to get back, mom stoped me held out both her hands and said lets pray. we did find the check bout 5 minutes later.

Mom taught me about dealing with people who are unfair to you. One conversation I'll always remember. She said You know when your dad died there were many who actually came to me and would say if y'all had had faith or gotten rid of the sin Gene would have been healed. That always bothered her. She said I never said a word in response to those people, But I thought to myself you know your times coming. She said now some of those peoples spouses and loved ones are beginning to die and I feel nothing but compassion for them she would often cry with these people. She concluded, "I'm pretty sure they understand now."

Mom showed us that a relationship with Christ was the most important thing in our lives that it was really the only thing in life that will last. I remember when I was a kid and watching a TV movie about a kid whose mom died and that night I had a bad dream about her. She said Edward You know I'm OK and if anything did happen to me I would be in Heaven and you would see me there and we would be together with dad, Jesus and Grand maw Howard.

She also taught me to work for the Lord and do what you can for his glory. She was not involved in a whole lot of things but for 3-4 years she taught Missionettes and enjoyed every moment of investing her life into those girls. She only quit when my dad got sick and she had to care for him, me and my sister. She also cleaned the church at Glad Tiding a/g in Sport when we were on Virginia ave. She attended Southwestern Assemblies of God University in Waxathatchie, TX in the 60's. This was the only time in her life she ever lived somewhere besides Shreveport.

Mom is enjoying the wonders of Heaven worshiping the Savior around the throne of God, the angels get to listen to her sing her song of victory. (I miss her songs too) She gets to be with my dad, Grand maw Howard, granny great, Paul Jr. Pastor Cason some of her aunts and uncles. Just recently her brother and two of her cousins have joined her. One day I will be with her. We miss those who have gone before but the time we get to be with them on that glad reunion day will be so much longer that the time we will spend with out them here on earth. In fact The Bible says a day with the Lord is as a thousand years. I knew someone who did the math on all that with that being true, because it is God's word, then those loved ones we miss are really expecting us within the hour. Ill work to bring as many with me.
So Mom I'll see you in a little bit.

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